This page contains a link to download the TrackMyRide HTTP GPS Reader program. This program was written as a demonstration to show anyone interested in developing a simple program that can report the device's position to the TrackMyRide servers.

The program may be adapted by developers to suit their needs and may be included in whole or part in personal or commercial programs.

The program does the following.

  • Communicates over a COM port to a GPS (we use a USB connected GPS for development and ease of use)
  • Reads the GPS data in approximately one-second intervals
  • Reads an app.config file for program settings such as COM port, device API key and various other parameters
  • Determines if a position report should be made. Various settings may be set that tell the program when to make position reports
  • If a position report is warranted, the program creates a URL string formatted to the specifications on the description page

How to run the program

The files provided are for use with Microsoft Visual Studio. We used Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition which is free to download from Microsoft's web site. You can also use Visual Studio 2022 since that is the latest version.

Simply download the archive file, extract it to someplace on your computer and open the .sln file.

Steps to run program

Follow the steps in the ReadMe.pdf file included in the archive file to setup and run the program.

Click here to download the Visual Studio project that demonstrates posting position reports to the TrackMyRide servers.


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